
Thursday, 31 July 2014

Living for others!

Have you ever woken up one day to declare or say to yourself, today I will live not for myself but for others, I will go out of my way to please or help some one!

Hmm are you still thinking about it??? Well am sure most of us will answer well I have tried to do one or two things, but you know it is not always as easy as you make it sound. Me am guilty 100% percent sef.

No matter how you look at it, everyone  of us has this thing in us, to satisfy ourselves first before any other person. Those in power tend to pack the riches even for their 20th unborn generations, no matter where you find yourself, you will always want to satisfy yourself first even before considering the next person beside you. Well I guess someone has begged to differ, am talking about Doctor Kent Brantley the Doctor who was recently diagnosed with Ebola, he gave up his family, the comfort and everything dear to him to care for others with Ebola, which does not have a cure yet. 

His life and selflessness, is a reminder or a reawakening to us, that no matter what we have or own on earth, or how much we spend, the truth is that, only when you can put a smile on someone's face, wipe a tear, give true and sincere comfort to someone grieving, only then can we experience what true joy is.

I will try as from today to always put myself in the other person's shoe, and be a little more patient with people and show love to those all around me, it won't be an easy task, but if we can have about lets say a 100 people trying it out each day.... It will definitely go round, people might not appreciate or even tongue lash you for being nice! Just do it anyway! Because at the end of it all, you will not be asked how many cars, clothes, jets, bags you acquired, the questions will be

When I was sick you were not there...
When I was in prison you did not visit.....
When I was naked you did not clothe me....
When I was thirsty you gave me no water to drink....
When I was hungry you gave me no food to eat....
When I was grieving you were not there to comfort me.... 

May God help me put away all selfish desires and put others first! Amen!

Hmmm may God help us to live a selfless life! Amen! 

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